I have rasp pi 3+ and I am trying to follow the procedures here just to get the simple grove_button to work:
I get the following error: [attachment=1]Snag_1244672.png[/attachment]
BUT, all modules ARE there! see:
So why is this happening? I am running the latest Raspbian (buster), but that shouldn’t matter, its not recognizing those folders as modules for some reason.
I tried the one-click installation again, and this time it worked. Thank you.
But still can’t get grove_button.py to work because it is expecting Grove Base Hat inserted, However I have the RESPEAKER intalled instead. I cannot find instructions how to get the I2C or the GP12 to work on this. I’m not interested in the RESPEAKER device right now, but that’s what came the Grove starter kit for Azure IOT edge. I do not have the Grove Base Hat. Can I use grove_button.py and the other python scripts with the RESPEAKER, and connecting to the RESPEAKER I2C port and/or GP12 port which are built in to the RESPEAKER?