Can we get EdgeBox-RPI-200's information of wiring between mini pcie and CM4's GPIO?

I am currently trying to use the EdgeBox-RPI-200 with a non-rasbian OS, Buildroot Linux.
I have confirmed that everything works except the control of the LTE module via mini pcie.

Can we get EdgeBox-RPI-200’s information of wiring between mini pcie and CM4’s GPIO?

This is not an open source device, so no more information about this is available. I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

@Seeed_Seraphina Thanks for your reply!

Then, can I get linux kernel source of the image distributed at following link?

The EdgeBox-RPI-200 uses the official 32-bit buster system without any modifications.

Thank you very much. It is very meaningful to know that. Thanks again.

Finally, I was able to use the EdgeBox-RPI-200 with a non Raspberry Pi OS, Buildroot Linux.
It was because the value of linux kernel config was different from that of Raspberry Pi OS.


Sounds interesting. How are you finding working with buildroot?