Can the SenseCap Data Hub output a signal, such as a switch? I would like to be able to turn on a beacon when the Dat Hub detects H2S from the H2S sensor. I’m not sure if the Data Hub provides this capability or if Seeed has a mix of devices/components that can do this. Looking for advise.
Hi there!
As far as I know, the Sensor Hub doesn’t support outputting a signal. Although it does offer two modes of operation, periodic mode and always on mode.
It’s designed to upload sensor data every few minutes or hours. You can achieve a near real-time effect by reducing the measurement interval.
If your beacon can be controlled by an MCU. You can try connecting the Sensor Hub to a MQTT server and post the H2S sensor data to a MQTT topic. Then use a networkable MCU like XIAO ESP32C6 to subscribe to H2S data topics. You can use adurino to write a program that will wake your beacon if the H2S data received by the MCU is not 0.