Calibration DSO Quad BETA

I was wondering about the calibration(?) menu that appears when I press the stop (square) button when channel A or B is highlighted.
How exactly does it work?
The text on top is not very explanatory and I’m not getting the results I expect while experimenting…
This is what I’m referring to:
photo 1.JPG
I have a DC Power supply that ranges from 0-30V, and a Fluke Oscilloscope to verify the voltage with.
I know the 10V asks for 50V-60V…
Is the calibration reset during a firmware upgrade?
The potentiometers(?) underneath the battery, what are they for?

Last question:
Where can I find the newest firmware?

I tried my best to calibrate the Quad.
The following was the calibration screen after I finished:
What does DIFF stand for? Difference?
My DC power supply is limited to 30V, so I could not calibrate the 10V part.
My Fluke was used to verify all the voltages, it displayed 15.7V when I tested it, below is what the Quad displayed…
There is a difference of more than 10V!!!
I tried it on all the V settings of CH-A&B, similar results.

Ps. After a few restarts, the values are nearer to normal, but still not what they should be. Not sure why this cured the problem…

Now it’s really time for some documentation, at least basic one. I mean manual for operation, we already have schematic and others. I hope later firmwares will have onboard help like these calibration instructions.

pls download the manual at viewtopic.php?f=22&t=1929