I’ve just got my Grove GSR sensor, along with a GrovePi+ and a Raspberry Pi. I’m following the process at http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Grove-GSR_Sensor/, and I’m adjusting the potentiometer until I get a reading of 512. However my sensor values always jump from around 535 down to ~25, no matter how slowly I turn the screw. Is this normal?
I also can’t seem to get any changes in reading when wearing the sensor. It does seem to be somewhat working, as if I touch the electrodes together I get readings near 0.
I’m using the grove_analog_read.py script from the git repo.
Can you provide me with any hints to get it working properly?
I just tested it and please use the screw driver to rotate 1 direction first and make it tight. then you can release the screw slowly. here is my output. thanks.
This code is just displaying the analog data in the range of 0-1023. Which is a raw data of the sensor. You need to convert it into gas data by using calculations in order to get meaningful out.