Buidling an minimal install of jetpack for the J401 board

Hi, I have installed JP6.0 on the J401 board with the Orin Nx 8GB module with these instructions: Flash Jetpack | Seeed Studio Wiki

Everything works fine but I want to build a slimmed down version of the rootfs that doesn’t contain a GUI. I did find some instructions for running nv_build_samplefs.sh with the --flavor minimal option (Option: Minimal L4T - Guide to Minimizing Jetson Disk Usage) but I wondered how I would go about that. Would I start with the seeed studio package and try to modify that, or would it be fine to use Nvidia’s SDK Manager to create a base install and then modify that one? I guess people also use yockto directly but I’m not totally convinced that I need to go that far yet. Appreciate any help or pointers, thanks!

Perhaps, this repository might be useful?

I’m trying myself to tune J4012 in order to work properly on JP6 with a capture card.

that looks promising, thanks!