Bluetooth Shield Hardware Serial Questions

Hello all,

I’m new here so please take it easy on me. I have purchased a Seeed Studio Bluetooth Shield (v1.1 12A11) for my Arduino Uno board. When reading through the materials available, I found a that the BT (Bluetooth) TX and RX pins can be set to D0 and D1 if desired. What I’d like to know is:

[*]Does that mean that I can set them and remove the SoftwareSerial Library to minimize the program size? If so, could someone point me to a site or paper that includes a code snippet or example code?

[*]I have already setup the device to communicate with a serial terminal via BT on my Android tablet. When doing so, I can send data to the Android tablet perfectly, however when sending data from the Android tablet to my PC without changing anything, all I get are foreign ASCII characters. Why does it only work properly in one direction and how can I fix this?

Thank you all!


#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(2, 3);

void setup()  {
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port
  // init BT module

void loop() {
  if (mySerial.available()) mySerial.write(;

Hardware serial:

void setup()  {
  // set the data rate for the Serial port
  // init BT module

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) Serial.write(;

If you want to download firmware to your arduino you must disconnect the wire to the bluetooth module.
If you want to download firmware with bluetooth module you must ask google if and how this works.

Thanks. That answers my first question. I Can’t wait till tomorrow. however I’m not sure what you mean about downloading firmware. I have not had any problems uploading code to the arduino.I’m having problems with bluetooth communication.

if anyone has a solution to the bluetooth communication problem I’m having I would be very grateful. thank you all.