Bluetooth Bee won't take commands, doubled first character

I finally got around to start using the Bluetooth Bee I bought last year, it seems to be a 1.0 board, since it has the 12/02/2009 date on the silkscreen.

I’ve connected it to my PC via an older UartSB (2.1) at 38400/N/8/1/no-flow control. I’m able to see the reset status messages when I hit reset on the UartSB board. However, any command I send to it returns ERROR.

I see the first character echoed multiple times if I send a line at a time, for example, trying to send “+BTSTA” to get status shows “++BTSTA”.

Anyone seen anything like this? I’ve successfully talked to a XBee board and the Seeduino Stalker with the same adapter, so that seems to be OK. Is there anyway to update an original BT Bee to the latest version?

We haven’t upgraded the Bluetooth Bee, so it is still the latest version.

Regarding the question you met, please refer here:
