Bigger LCD Screen for Maix

Dear All, dear mchuv,

thank you in advance for your help and advice:
Application: K210 on MaixPy with the SDK Version loaded/compiled Sample DVP/OV2640 Cam just for single Pictures (no streaming!) to SRAM than transfer via UART to a PC (java App)

I also try to use a OV2640 und later OV5640 with the MaixPy and the standalone SDK for K210 on it: Please let me know:

  • Wether the documented K210 “restrictions” on max 640x320 VGA resolution in the DVP Interface of K210 is hardware related ? or only due to the limited SRAM for Storage ?
  • Any chance for getting 1280x720 Pictures out of it ? -> SCCB Konfig to OV2640

Thank you so much in advance for any advise and help!
Stay safe and take care
