BenF 3.x FW on new LCD driver devices [flick. screen solved]

Not yet… Just downloaded it today, (still cleaning out my email box.) will let you know if it worked, or not…

… And… initial attempt, using a Linux machine (UBUNTU 16.04/AMD 64X2/8GB Mem), FAILED… no change, it still had the blank-white screen…

However… I think I went to the MIN main forum, and located a post, that had two .hex files, claiming to be the original firmware… tried it via the same Linux machine… FAILED…

Now, this is where my old Hardware addiction pays off…

A friend was downsizing their equipment, and asked me if I wanted their old machine… Core2-Duo, 4GB mem, Windows Vista (X32), dug around, and managed to find a copy of the DFusr-Demo, Nahhh… Couldn’t be that easy?
loaded it… Plugged the scope into the USB port, It accepted the DFU drive… copied the two hex files again… it dropped connection after the files transferred, then reconnected… this time, both .hex files were replaced by “.RDY”. Okay, turned off the scope, and turned it back on… This time, instead of the short MIN label screen, and then solid white, I got the short label screen, followed by Bright/Dim flashing back & forth. found the file you linked… copied it… thisw time, came up “.ERR”… found the3 copy of the old original files I had… showed “.RDY”… cycled the scope, and… Slow as molasses, But it was Working! grabbed the 3.64 BenF firmware. “.RDY” and WORKING!!! DeBricked!!

Oh wow what an ordeal, crazy.

It’s a well known fact that for some reason it could take up to 10 tries for it to go RDY.

The reason why original firmware was slow is because you had dso connected to usb.

I was hoping you would mention the name of the file that worked for you.

Well I am glad you got it working.

Here is new link for patch v2 (lastest and full functional - same file as was on: viewtopic.php?p=18556#p18556 ):!RigzAQQQ!SL35IxeskkUp … fb4_KGCOzc

For newest loader you can use little adapted file from:


Best regards,

So it seems some people are having problems loading BenF 3.64 on DS201/NanoV3 with DFU v3.45C. I don’t know if its Windows 10 related or the bootloader can’t handle a large hex.

I have split up the hex into a seperate LIB and APP here This is ONLY for devices with ILI9341 LCD.

Instructions to load LIB:

  1. Put device in DFU mode, press and hold Down and power on.
  2. Connect to computer and transfer BenF_353_LIB.HEX to DSO drive. Device will reconnect and you should see BenF_353_LIB.RDY
  3. Turn off device and On again. You should see Benf logo and text below.
    </s><i> </i>System Initializing Please Wait DSO FW Copyright (c) BenF 2010-2012 LIB ver 3.53 No APP found <e>

At this point LIB loaded correctly and you can load the APP.

Instructions to load APP:

  1. Put device in DFU mode, press and hold Down and power on.
  2. Connect to computer and transfer BenF_364_APP.HEX to DSO drive. Device will reconnect and you should see BenF_364_APP.RDY
  3. Turn off device and On again. You should see “APP ver 3.64” in place of No APP found flash on the screen and then the main screen will appear. If you don’t see APP ver 3.64 or white screen or corruption, I suggest you try load APP 10 more times and also try different computer with Windows 7.

    P.S. If your device has Internal memory, it will not work with Benf which only support External SD Card. You can try to add SD Card slot but its not easy for an average person. I would be willing to make Benf work with internal memory but I don’t Nano V3. If Seeedstudio provides a test device, I can work on it. It will require patching SD_Init() and few File related functions.


Any chance your split hex files can be re-uploaded? I can’t get any of the other versions to work for me.


Here is the file I hope it works for you.

<LINK_TEXT text=“!BLhmEajR!hVjP1TBP5vwf … 8AXdDiZYHU”>!BLhmEajR!hVjP1TBP5vwfLPf1Mo6pgWNctugrZspVa8AXdDiZYHU</LINK_TEXT>