BB Green Wireless with BBORG_RELAY Cape from GHI issues

I have a BBGW working and updagted. Plugged in the BBORG_RELAY cape (from GHI) and 3 of the 4 relays work. The “RELAY 3” is wired to P9-30 (GPIO 112). There is no P9_30_pinmux in the "/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/ocp/ directory.

How do I add this pin? Thought it would be in the overlay file for the cape (which is in use).


Well… I set the default directory to /sys/class/gpio and issued the command “echo 112 > export” and like magic the gpio112 appeared. It works now. Don’t know why gpio112 was not automatically created however.

Because this system is a general purpose system, all pins are in a high impedance state by default.You need to set up the system according to your own needs.