tl;dr: I am new to all these! I have an Arduino Uno, Grove UART Wifi v2, and a Grove Base Shield v2. I just want to be able to send arrays from my computer to arduino via wifi so that I can control a robot. Arrays will consist of 2 numbers [speed, direction].
I just want to be able to send the numbers, the rest is easy.
I have managed to connect the wifi adaptor to D2 and access some AT commands (which don’t work well with Software serial at all by the way, lots of funky chars all around. But I don’t know where to go from there. There are tutorials for ESP8622 wifi adapters on the net but I did not have any success with them because, as far as I can understand, UNO has only 1 serial connection and it is not possible to flash the chip with it.
Can you please help me?