Hi All,
I am looking to create some code to periodically log Temperature, Humidity Barometric Pressure and Light Intensity from a SenseCAP ORCH S4 Version V1.1 to an SD card using an Arduino UNO or NANO and an RS485, TTL converter and a real time clock.
The Arduino with SD card and an RTC, a battery and a solar panel will be mounted in an IP66 rated enclosure on a pole with the ORCH S4. The logging interval is 6 minutes (10 per hour).
I am having difficulty getting my head around the MODBUS protocol and I have spent many tens of hours trying to create the code.
The default address of my unit is 14
The registers I need to read are as follows:
Temperature 0x0000 (8 bit)
Humidity 0x0001 (8 bit)
Air Pressure 0x0002 & 0x0003 (32 bit)
Light intensity 0x0004 & 0x0005 (32 bit)
I am trying to read and log Holding Registers (0x03) or Input Registers (0x04)
I can code all of the maths to to convert the raw data to decimal numbers but I cant get the raw data from the unit.
I would greatly appreciate any assistance offered.
Many thanks