Arduino Code for Seeed Studio 24GHz mmWave for XIAO?


I’ve a few of the 24GHz mmWave Sensor for XIAO - Human Static Presence is a expansion board for Seeed Studio XIAO series. 24GHz mmWave for XIAO | Seeed Studio Wiki

Is there also an Arduino Code/Library? In the Wiki is only a Version with an Android/Apple App.


Hi there,
You see this thread on it, check it out, Does the BLE work?

It should as a minimum.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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I have found it works better with the bluetooth app… i have not had time to make it work with arduino yet

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Your Code in the linked thread works! Also the bluetooth app works BUT - I’m not able to change the Baudrate via Android app. I can change it, it restarted but did not change it!
So there I’m struggling.

THX for your code.

Hi there,
Great, Yes the Baud Rate change is tricky(but required to use the other PC app), look at the bottom I think there is an APPLY you can’t see unless you tab down or over, some monkey business…
It all works well, once you get over the config and setup hurdles.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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