ARD SHD MOTOR V2 - Using with Halfstep

I am new to this forum.
I am using a Seeedstudio ARD SHD MOTOR V2 shield together with an Arduino UNO.
The shield works fine, but I have two questions.

How do I apply a holding momentum to the stepper motor, so that it is blocked when not actively turning.

The step function initially support “fullsteps”.
Is there a way to use “halfsteps” with the shield. If yes, how can I achieve that. It probably smoothes the rotation and is more silent.

Many thanks in advance.

You mean when it’s blocked, it stops?

Is there a problem? Do you have tests?

the motor runs correctly, when using it with fullstep via the motor shield.
But I want to run it with halfsteps, this is smoother.
That is a different sequence in which you have to set the Digital Out pins to HIGH or LOW.
I know the sequence when attaching the motor directly to the Arduino but than there is not enough current to turn the motor. So you need the motor shield to provide the needed voltage and current 12 to 15 Volt and about 2 Ampere current.

So I ask you, is there a function (similar to the “steps(anumber)” function)
that supports Halfstep rotation.
Again, with fullsteps there is no problem except, that it is pretty noisy.

That the motor is not blocked at the end of a rotation sequence is a minor problem. That can be postponed.

I have submitted my script as attachment to the answer of your mail.
