Arch GPRS weird GPRS demo to a chinese-only-page??

Hello, thanks for the demo code for the Arch GPRS, but it would be really useful if there was an example that was possible to test, for example by signing up to a service which is free, and then having the board upload data to that service over cellular.

Consider updating the code.

Hi, thanks for your advise sincerely. now we offer a new example which can post your sensor data from ARCH GPRS to Xively(PS:to know more about Xively, please visit: and our demo code is

Thank you so much, are trying to make it work, but the debugging of the board is rather tricky.

I got it working, there is an error in the GPRS driver: Its hardcoded the China Mobile as APN. Should be fixed, for anyone outside China to have it working…

Thank you so much for trying. Your advice is correct, and now I have update the GPRS library with new API: int networkInit(char* apn, char* userName = NULL, char* passWord = NULL); I only have chance to test CMNET, can you have a try whether it be able to work in your country? Thanks again:) . btw, the library URL: