Apple Silicone issue with uploading firmware

Does anyone have an idea how to resolve the issue of uploading firmware to a Seeed XIAO or ESP32-C6 on Apple Silicon? Every time I need to upload firmware, I have to put the board into bootloader mode, which is quite annoying.

There’s a discussion suggesting that the issue stems from macOS trying to mount the board as a disk during the brief period when the upload is happening. This causes corruption and forces the need for bootloader mode. I tried the solution of adding the UUID of the Seeed board to prevent auto-mounting, but this only works on Intel-based macOS (or perhaps older macOS versions). However, even after adding the UUID on my Apple Silicon machine, I still experience corrupted firmware uploads.

MacOS version: Sequiao

Hi there,

Yes, it is the way the ports are opened and close in the mac stuff. it’s always been hit or miss. Works like a dream on a WIN10 box btw…

Have you tried setting the comm port manually to 1200 baud?
Usually you only need BL mode if your code upload was WACK i.e. bad, or switching BSP’s will do it sometimes.
Try this ; Upload a Basic code Like a Blinky and see if it improves after it uploads and you see it running… on Windows and Arduino IDE 2.2.3 once a successful upload and reset , It usually will work without pressing any buttons (or require BL Mode) the next times after. YMMV

It’s not on all MAC’s which is nuts too!

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v: