I’m creating a custom image using the wiki entry for Buildroot.
Aside: as mentioned in this other thread I had to merge in the latest from upstream buildroot to get the image to compile.
Once I’m booted into the image with a USB keyboard attached I’m trying to run something from the QML demos but running into a couple of problems.
Problem 1: The various QML demos seem to segfault, but I suspect I’m doing something wrong.
I’m attempting to start them with (for example):
cd Seed_Python_ReterminalQt5Examples
qml Fullscreen_app.qml
Problem 2: When qml
quits (or crashes) it leaves the tty keyboard mode in a bad state so that the keyboard is no longer recognized. This QML doc mentions:
On application startup,
attempt to disable the terminal keyboard by setting the tty’s keyboard mode toK_OFF
. This prevents keystrokes from being sent to the terminal.
I found I can get the keyboard back by pressing alt+printscreen+r search “Magic SysRq Key” on Wikipedia.
I tried disabling input using the various QML_ env vars mentioned in the QML doc above but nothing seemed to help - so maybe my issue with QML is not input related.
Are there any tutorials about how to start up some of the QML demos in the reTerminal buildroot image?