Any Ideas for how to Archive Solutions

I am looking for a better way to archive solutions to common problems here on the forum… as you may know it may be very hard to scroll back a year or more to find an issue we discussed, or common issues like bricked XIAO or why diodes are needed for external power… thinking of making a new catagory called solutions or something like that… but these catagories are also a mess… any ideas would be greatly apreciated

Hi there,

I don’t know about an Archive but maybe just add a solutions ONLY tick box in the search results. That way only posts marked as solutions will be returned. :+1:

That would be how I would add it as a feature, for folks to only search for SOLUTIONS! :smile: :vulcan_salute:
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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thanks for the input!

Use subcategories to organize common topics (e.g., “Microcontroller Issues,” “Power Supply Solutions,” “Diode Applications,” etc.).

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Thanks! Does anyone have topics they think would be a good example for this type of solution… i mean obviously the best thing would be to update the wiki… does everyone know where the wiki is and how to find product information?

Hi there,
So I see what your intending and I would think any “Solution” marked thread could be Tagged and then linked to a Product page or include a link to the WiKi for the TAG or checked solution…

The issue since the beginning of the forum IMO is the lack of categorization among the Xiao Family of MCU’s you can’t decerne a Xiao_C3 from a Xiao_nrf52 BLE thread unless the user includes it in the title and often Highjacks’ occur (guilty myself) may not be intentional when the same symptom or problem occurs on different models.

Start , there and you reduce the thread search count by the factor of (# of XIAO’s) in the family, like 8 or 10 ? :laughing: I’m loosing track…:v:

makes the most logical first step, then add a tick box for (include Solutions only) in the Search :mag_right: results.

ALso add more TAGs capable of tagging a post for a sub category like @liaifat85 suggests :+1:

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

yes… the only problem is what if i post what i want to eat for dinner… then you say Pizza and i mark as solution… it is kinda a good think to look at the whole thread… or just summarize the solution in a new post

Hi there,
Well it’s outside the ULA/TOA for the forum so in the perfect world it would be FLAGGED ! as Spam! :star_struck:
it would need to be started there and tested for some weeks, then link in the Wiki and Sales links stuff. The data is there, Search is the universal tool to be exploited , make search better/smarter and you achieve both goals. IMO without changing the front end and relying on users do all the qualifying (that never works) Git tried it and turned it off. :grinning:

Categories and tags into the database that exists that way even old resurrected threads could be added and updated auto-magically be being red or referenced.
Only some are looking for solutions also, others just the latest info on a specific piece or feature. So that lines up with what actions should be taken to improve the quality of BOTH info and Problem Solutions.

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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All good points… thanks for the feedback!