I have a sketch that I want to execute on the XIAO. The sketch was orgially writen for Arduino Uno and it works. When I verify the code on the XIAO I get the following error:
fatal error:
EEPROM.cpp:27:10: fatal error: nvs.h: No such file or directory
#include <nvs.h>
I have looked at the EPROM.cpp file and it does make use of the nvs.h code.
So my question is How dow I resolve this problem during the XIAO verify process.
which XIAO are you using please?
Hi there,
Depending on which one there is also , “preferences” the LIB remembers like eeprom.
Ty PJ_Glasso, Knowing this, how should I proceed to resolve the nvs.h issue?
Hi there,
I would examine the code and were it uses anything related to saving or storing in eeprom, change it to a preferences design. Without seeing the code that is the best you’ll get.
What des preferences design mean?
hi there,
It means go read the Preferences Library and use the keywords it contains to replace your code that the other library uses, they are somewhat interchangeable for the different MCU’s
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Thank you for your replies. I have come to the to an understanding that the XIAO can not use the headers that are required for my project.
It is more constructive to seek out other means to manage my LED. Project…
Thanks again.
lol… i can assure you the XIAO is quite capable of managing LED projects and it is like a thousand times more powerful than an arduino uno… what da?