Access the GPIO Pins based on Different IDEs

If you are developing the application of RePhone based on the Eclipses IDE for RePhone

The GPIO pins can be find either on the wiki page of Xadow GSM+BLE, which is the image below,

Or get more details from the schematic of Xadow GSM+BLE.

If you are developing the application of RePhone based on the
Arduino IDE for RePhone,
we’ve done the porting from Eclipse IDE to Arduino IDE, so the ports are quite different, after the (download ) Arduino IDE for RePhone, you can find the Pin Description in the path: [i]Arduino_IDE_for_RePhone\hardware\arduino\mtk\variants\linkit_one\variant.cpp[/i]

As shown in the image below.

How do you declare pin D3 in Arduino IDE?
with this line of code I have the following error and I am stuck …

const int buttonPin = D3;    // button pin on RePhone GSM_Breakout pad A1

error: ‘D3’ was not declared in this scope
please advice, Thanks!

Without ‘D’

const int buttonPin = 3;    // button pin on RePhone GSM_Breakout pad A1

Thanks! Alexandru,
It works with 3 instead of D3 as you advised. I hope others newbie will found this information useful.