A603 RTC battery connector type

What type of connector can be connected to W5 (RTC battery) of A603?

This one will be ok

Have you tried any rechargeable reference? Will the A603 carrier recharge the battery while it’s powered on?

The A603’s RTC socket can plug into a rechargeable 3V lithium battery connector.

Yes, thank you, I have already seen this spec, my question is more related to how this battery will be recharged. Will the A603 recharge it when it’s powered on? Do we have to integrate a charging module? If so, which is the maximum voltage that can be applied to this connector?

Since this connector is rechargable, you can power it by putting a rechargeable lithium battery in it. There is no need to add an integrated charging module.

I have powered on the device without a battery connected on it and the board does not provide any power over this connector, how can be the battery be recharged?

Can you provide the schematics, at least of the for the PMIC_BBAT pin, to confirm which battery should be connected? Thanks

I’m sorry, we are unable to provide you with the schematic for the A603 device. I will wait until I get the A603 device and then test the voltage situation of the RTC interface when the board is powered on. I will be sure to contact you about it as soon as possible.

Hi there,
Is this battery connection on the Reference design , NVidia’s
Some folks have had luck in cross-checking the Reference design OPEN source schematic and comparing the copy vs original to glean some useful info and incite that the copy is not making public??
Go figure?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

There’s a link to it here somewhere(schematic, for Nvidia’s reference design)
and this is precisely why I haven’t put my flag in the A603 camp.