50 ohm trace for 4 layer fusion service


I want to calculate the approximate trace width for a 50 ohm trace. Can you please suggest if my calculations below are correct? I am using an online calculator.

fr4 dielectric constant : 4.58 -> digged this out from seedstudio fr4 spec documents

Dielectric thickness: 0.2mm -> Seedstudio 4 layer DRU file, isolation between layer 1-2 is 0.2mm. (My second layer is a GND plane)

Trace thicnkess : 0.035mm -> Seedstudio 4 layer DRU file, copper thickness is 0.035mm

with this data, I get a track width of 13mils

can you please suggest if my calculations are okey?

I forgot to write that my application works in 2.4Ghz

thanks a lot