This is my first attempt at using Fusion (or any other PCB service) and I’m wondering if I’ve prepared my gerber correctly, or if the viewer just doesn’t like Excellon drill data.
I’ve designed my board in Eagle, and used the seeed 2 layer cam processor I downloaded from knowledgebase/articles/422482-fusion-pcb-order-submission-guidelines
When I zip up the files and upload the zip to the fusion order page I click on the gerber viewer button and the resulting image shows the drill holes to be massively out of place, see the attached file ‘weird gerber viewer output’
In the cam job I’ve left everything as supplied so in the the drills&holes the device is set to Excellon, pos. Coord and Optimize are ticked in the style section, and I have layers 46 Drills, 45 Holes and 107 Crop selected.
The crop layer doesn’t have anything in it.
I’ve also attached the zip I was uploading to the order page in case that helps.
Am I outputting the gerber incorrectly, or is this just a weird thing with the viewer?
SimpleV1Gerber.zip (55.7 KB)