125 Khz RFID module questions

Hi there,

I just got the 125Khz RFID module - Wiegand and I have a few questions:

  1. Where is the documentation to connect a bicolor LED and a buzzer? All I see is pin1 on P3.

  2. How do I change the Reading Type from Standard design to Special design?



Please get document from:http:
Sorry, what is mean “Reading Type from Standard design to Special design”.


Please get document from:
seeedstudio.com/depot/datash … -Spec…pdf

That says nothing about a bi-color led or a buzzer, I have read it.

Sorry, what is mean “Reading Type from Standard design to Special design”.

Per the document mentioned above:

Reading Type:
Standard design – card can’t be read again within the range of read antenna after read once. User must move it out of reading antenna range first, swipe card again & can be read.

Special design – card can be read continuously within the range of read antenna.

I was wondering, can I expect a reply this week? These are basic questions about listed features.


just hook up the LED + to the VCC and LED - to the LED ,then the LED will light ,and if check the card the LED will unlight a moment ; also you can hook up the LED+ to LED and the LED - to GND,the the LED will be unlight until check the card it will light a moment.

uh, how to connect a single LED I could have guessed, that does not make it bicolor.

And what about the buzzer and the reading type?

the buzzer is the same . hook the buzzer +pin up to VCC and the buzzer -pin to LED . but the driving force of these two pins is so poor , you had batter make a externa trigger and amplify circuit for it.

and the reading type is be decide by hardware . You cann’t change it youself by sofeware .