Wio Link Problem


I have my Wio Link up and running from the Android Phone app. For example. I have an LED on Digital0, Buzzer on Digital1 and temp/humidity sensor on Digital2. I can turn the LED and Buzzer on/off from my phone using the API screen, and get Temp and Humidity on the phone too. But if I try this from my computer:

curl –H “Authorization: token xxxxxxxx…xxx” iot.seeed.cc/v1/node/GroveTempHum/humidity?

It returns


Same if I try to turn the LED on/off or the Buzzer on/off (with 0 or 1 as the value. I have tried with and without the ? at the end.

Same if I try from a browser.

What is wrong with the command?

Note that xxxxxxx.xxx is my correct string, since if I don’t have the right string it says I have a bad node token.

Normally, you will get the API URL in App like this:


If you wanna accessing Wio Link and Grove in terminal, the commend should be like this:

curl -H "Authorization: token 962a6d7dca54bc4cbf01b9fc92bb49cc" https://iot.seeed.cc/v1/node/GroveTempHumD0/humidity

Not include the “?” character.

Reference: iot.seeed.cc/getting_started.html