GPSv2 inaccuracy

Yeah, I meant that :slight_smile:
I think it’s a float conversion problem, since the CPU has no hardware-FPU. Or just the library has a bug.

It looks like the gps NMEA string parsing is done here

The parsing/math in this file is incorrect: … rces/gps.c

When I run my longitude through the algorithm used in that file, it produces the incorrect decimal representation, as the indexes being traversed for the string are using the wrong range (longitude has three digits of degrees, not two, so grabbing the minutes part should start at index 3, not 2).

I cannot find where/how the code from that library is linked into my .vxp file; I need some guidance from that library maintainer on how to make change to it and deploy it to my part. Is this something compiled into the firmware image?

It seems it’s the gps module firmware. As soon as I get to a PC I’ll check everything.

this test code shows the good and bad value being generated; you can confirm by running any constant you use with the website above to convert from that format to the decimal format.

char *longitude = “07218.57692”;

int Data = 0;

// BAD!

for (int i=2; i< 10; i++)
if (i == 5) continue;
Data = Data * 10 + longitude[i] - ‘0’;

Data = Data * 5 / 3;

printf("%d\n", Data);

Data = 0;

// GOOD!

for (int i=3; i<10; i++)
if (i == 5) continue;
Data = Data * 10 + longitude[i] - ‘0’;

Data = Data * 5 / 3;

printf("%d\n", Data);

Arguably, this parsing code shouldn’t live in the firmware, but in the user-space code. I think it would make more sense to have an interface from the firmware which returns the entire NMEA string, and allows user-modifiable code to do the parsing. Plus, there are many existing gps parsing libraries which already exist so they could be leveraged. If this does cause a firmware bump, I’d like to see a follow-on bump which exposes the interface to the gps chip a little more. This could also make it easier to send the gps commands for the different power savings modes more easily.

Thanks for pointing the issue out.

Wondering if there is any possible way to update the GPSv2 firmware without Freescale tool?

I found the GPSv2 base on STM32F030, and the develop IDE is Freescale Kinetis Design Studio.
Maye we can build the project with KDS and flash the hex file with a j-link.

So the next task is to find, if it has a bootloader installed :smiley:

Is there documentation somewhere which shows how to take compiled code from KDS and upload it? Or is this something we need to the rephone development group involved in? Do they monitor these forums?

You just flash the new firmware via KDS. The user manual of the Kinetis SDK is really clear acout flashing and debugging. You can use Segger and OpenOCD too.

I see the new object and hex file posted to the github (where I found the source code). I have a bus pirate and OpenOCD, but I will need a little more direction in terms of how to do so. Additionally, everybody who has received one of these parts so far has the GPS library code in it which is inaccurate and will need to follow some directions for how to update this, so it seems like creating a step-by-step guide is in order.

My gps module is on its way, so I can’t make a tutorial this weekend. After that I can make something, but with segger (I got one with an infineon devboard)

I have ordered the GPS V2 about a week ago im not happy hearing this news, so ill take it that the one that i will receive will be inaccuracy aswell?

Has any contacted SeeedStudio about this issue?

Unfortunately all devices will have the faulty gps parsing code until they are reflashed. Presumably upgraded firmware will be made available at some point. I would like to see the interface changed to provide read/write access to the underlying GPS chipset (the NMEA strings directly) to allow more control. That seems to be a more common method of providing access.

@rhbroberg, and also it’d be nice if it will be some firmware-upgrade interface there, which would not require windows :’(

Is there a work around and till the firmware upgrade?

Anyone? This is delaying my project :frowning:


I can confirm that flashing the GPS xadow board following the process defined in this other forum post:


worked properly for me; my code changes I submitted above have addressed the longitude string parsing error.

The process is straightforward, assuming you have an 8266 board sitting around. Soldering 2 wires to the bottom pads of the GPS xadow part is required.

However, I have a new problem with the GPS code. It was true even before the flash of the fixed code. Every once in a while, the string returned for latitude or longitude is off by 2 orders of magnitude (e.g., 7200.ab rather than 72.yz). It’s not just a shift of the digits (as if the decimal place was in the wrong location).

More as I dig deeper

Same bug seen here also, one of ten telegram are wrong
I debug-print the I2C data coming from the Xadow GPS module, so the error must be in the parsing software in the module

GPS latitude is N:63.405537
GPS longitude is E:10.317273

GPS latitude is N:6324.329102
GPS longitude is E:1019.035095

So, digging here also :wink:

I’m pretty sure the problem is a race condition.

The gps.c file consumes 1 byte at a time from the UART polling, and parses it (ultimately calling the gps_data_convert() function which was fixed). However, the i2c callback (i2c_slave_callback) is invoked whenever the rePhone Wire library asks for some data, and there is nothing to protect the data field GPS_RMC_Data from being read by i2c at the same time it is being rewritten by gps_data_convert(). The default gps frequency is 1Hz, so that string is being rewritten every second.

Given that the string in GPS_RMC_Data is both the source and the destination for gps_data_convert() makes it especially problematic. I think if different strings were used, at least if i2c_slave_callback() was reading the string while it was in the middle of being written by gps_data_convert(), it wouldn’t be as incorrect.

I believe the correct fix is to change gps_data_convert() to write out its converted string to a different buffer, the buffer which i2c_slave_callback() reads, rather than re-using the buffer which is initialized from the UART data. That’s an easy fix, achievable by creating 2 GPS_RMC_Data static variables, updating the gps_data_convert() to read from the existing one, and write out to the new one, and let the i2c callback read from the new one.

A better, but more involved fix would be to move all of the NMEA string parsing to the RePhone side of things, and change the gps driver logic on the GPS board to simply have a buffer to hold each of the 6 NMEA string values, which it overwrites as each new one comes in, and use a standard arduino gps parsing library at the RePhone side.