one of tracks is mute always (newbie)


i bought a microphone (respeaker mic array v2.0) last week

i had used the firmware which name is 6_channels_firmware.bin

then i want to do record test, but one of tracks is mute always and see below image.


Hi there~

The channel 5 is playback channel. if you plug the mic array v2.0 to PC and then you select mic array v2.0 as audio output device, you can see the data on channel 5. thanks.

Channel 0: processed audio for ASR

Channel 1: mic1 raw data

Channel 2: mic2 raw data

Channel 3: mic3 raw data

Channel 4: mic4 raw data

Channel 5: merged playback

Yes, you are right!

thank you

Hi all,

I have similar problem but I am already playing my audio output through Respeaker ouput. Still nothing on channel 6.

Anybody has a clue what the problem could be?

I am using Respeaker Mic Array v2.0 on Raspbian Stretch with 6 channel firmware 6.02 dB.


Hi There

mic array v2.0 only has 6 channels labeled channel 0~5, which do not have channel 6. I assume that you describe channel 5 that has merged playback. Only by mic array v2.0 playing sound can we get data. :smiley:

Yes, you are right, I meant the sixth channel :slight_smile:

But never mind, as I stated before I have been playing sounds through the Mic array audio output and still doesn’t have any signal.

Where could be the issue please?