Dear Seeedstudio,

I have the LinkIt IDE installed on my Windows7 laptop. I have the latest Linkit One board connected and tested with basic blink sketch… It was working fine. I connected GSM and other Antennas contented, valid GSM inserted…

I am trying to send my sensor data through GPRSWebClient , currently it is throwing compile error…

LGPRS\LGPRS.cpp.o: In function LGPRSClass::gprsCheckSIM(void*)': D:\LINIK-IT-ONE\LinkIt-ONE-IDE-master\LinkIt-ONE-IDE-master\hardware\arduino\mtk\libraries\LGPRS/LGPRS.cpp:75: warning: undefined reference to vm_sim_get_home_plmn’

And I commented this vm_sim_get_home_plm, in lgprs.cpp, as advised , now is compiled and I uploaded the same to Linkit board. I didn’t get any expected output and There is no out put on Serial Port,…
looks like all examples are not tested before releasing to public…

The support for LinkIt is not responsive and , the documentation is very poor. There is no documentation on known issues , Even the support from MediaTek also poor…

I live in India, we do R&D on Sensor Analytics, We import the board from Singapore , we are still struggling to getting the right output…

Please help us…

if you have arduino installed on your pc and linkit ide you got this problem

they use the same folder in windows appdata

now if you open linkit ide go to preference and look for your folder chang it to linkit folder

i had the same probleme 2 days ago