Wifi Shield

Hi !
Who know how to put the MRF24WB0MA in sleep or hibernate mode ???
I not found any piece of code on google to do that.

I ask that because when I put the 328P in SLEEP_MODE_POWER_DOWN, the MRF24WB0MA seems not working anymore.
Thank you !

Hi there,

Can you provide your product link?
I can’t find the MRF24WB0MA.
And about your 328P,is it Arduino or Seeeduino?
If you give me both link would be helpful.

Best regards,


Seeed Studio Wifi Bee :

Hi customer,

Unfortunately this wifi can’t support sleep mode now, because we didn’t have the libraries.
But in theoretically it can do that. Depend what code you use with.
So we also love that if you can share that function here.

Best regards,
