2.8 tft touch screen shield, uno, ubuntu

I have an Uno r3 and a touch shield. I have loaded both the libraries from the wiki, tft_touch_libraries_11252011 and TFT_TouchScreen_for_arduino_1.0, unzipped them and put them in /user/share/arduino/libraries as instructed. When I opened up the arduino app it complained about the TFT_TouchScreen_for_arduino_1.0 library saying that it couldn’t use it because of the name. The tft*11252011 library loaded and appeared in the “import library” and the “examples” I then went and removed the “.” from the name of the tft_arduino_1.0 library and then it loaded as well when I reopened the arduino app. The 2 libraries now bouth appear in the “import library” and the “examples” menus. I am on an Uno running arduino 1.0 app. If i run any of the examples I get compile errors.

touchscreendemo.cpp:2:26: error: TouchScreen.h: No such file or directory
touchscreendemo.cpp:3:17: error: TFT.h: No such file or directory
touchscreendemo:33: error: ‘TouchScreen’ does not name a type
touchscreendemo.cpp: In function ‘void loop()’:
touchscreendemo:41: error: ‘Point’ was not declared in this scope
touchscreendemo:41: error: expected `;’ before ‘p’
touchscreendemo:43: error: ‘p’ was not declared in this scope
touchscreendemo:43: error: ‘ts’ was not declared in this scope
touchscreendemo:50: error: ‘p’ was not declared in this scope
touchscreendemo:55: error: ‘ts’ was not declared in this scope
drawRectangle.cpp:4:26: error: TouchScreen.h: No such file or directory
drawRectangle.cpp:5:17: error: TFT.h: No such file or directory
drawRectangle.cpp: In function ‘void setup()’:
drawRectangle:23: error: ‘Tft’ was not declared in this scope
drawRectangle:29: error: ‘BLUE’ was not declared in this scope
drawRectangle:30: error: ‘YELLOW’ was not declared in this scope
drawRectangle:31: error: ‘RED’ was not declared in this scope
I was looking at the earlier posts and you mentioned changing line 29 from seeeduino to Mega. Is an Uno a Mega? Do I have the files in the corect place for Ubuntu 10.04?

Dear customer,

Sorry, the code is for mega2560, so later we would update libraries for Arduino Uno ATmega328 chip.

Best regards,
