How can I detect if the grove sunlight sensor is a particular colour?

I’m doing an assignment about raspberry pi + grove system and a part of it is I need to grow plants (This is all theoretical by the way, no actual execution). Plants grow better with blue/red light depending on what you want them to do according to google, and on the visible spectrum red is supposed to be 620-780 nanometers and blue is 400-500 nanometers.

I can’t post links, but if you search up Grove Sunlight sensor and go to the first link, there is program running showing what data it finds at the middel of the screen. It shows a Vis aka Visible Spectrum which is the value I want to use. It says below the program that “Vis - visible light, unit is in lm IR - infrared light” But I have no idea how to convert nanometers to lm IR to see which values of Vis I need for red/blue light.

Thanks in advance

Hi @20nuciforan,

The seeed SunLight Sensor using Silicon labs SI1145, and it is capable of Wavelength 280-950nm, you can see more information here