Two Displays Led With Arduino

Recently I tried to use two TM1637 Displays led with one Arduino, to show two different variables, but I could not.
I tried to modify the libraries, but I do know how to do this.
Someone have any idea?
Sorry for my English.


May I know if you are using Grove 4 digit display(TM1637 display) if so we have modified the example in our library to your requirements.

#include <TimerOne.h>
#include “TM1637.h”
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0

int8_t TimeDisp[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
unsigned char ClockPoint = 1;
unsigned char Update;
unsigned char halfsecond = 0;
unsigned char second;
unsigned char minute = 0;
unsigned char hour = 12;

//Connect the Grove 4-digit display to Base shield D2 port

#define CLK 2//pins definitions for TM1637 and can be changed to other ports
#define DIO 3
TM1637 tm1637(CLK,DIO);

//Connect the Grove 4-digit display to Base shield D3 port

#define CLK1 3//pins definitions for TM1637 and can be changed to other ports
#define DIO1 4
TM1637 tm16371(CLK1,DIO1);

void setup()

Timer1.initialize(500000);//timing for 500ms
Timer1.attachInterrupt(TimingISR);//declare the interrupt serve routine:TimingISR
void loop()
if(Update == ON)


void TimingISR()
halfsecond ++;
Update = ON;
if(halfsecond == 2){
second ++;
if(second == 60)
minute ++;
if(minute == 60)
hour ++;
if(hour == 24)hour = 0;
minute = 0;
second = 0;
halfsecond = 0;
// Serial.println(second);
ClockPoint = (~ClockPoint) & 0x01;
void TimeUpdate(void)
else tm1637.point(POINT_OFF);
TimeDisp[0] = hour / 10;
TimeDisp[1] = hour % 10;
TimeDisp[2] = minute / 10;
TimeDisp[3] = minute % 10;
Update = OFF;

else tm16371.point(POINT_OFF);
TimeDisp[0] = hour / 10;
TimeDisp[1] = hour % 10;
TimeDisp[2] = minute / 10;
TimeDisp[3] = minute % 10;
Update = OFF;

and connect them to the D2 and D3 ports of the base shield.

Let us know if you need any other information.