XIAO Issue PS2 Keyboard Libs

Hi guys

i am struggling in last weeks, how to add a simple PS2 Keyboard to Xiao device.

The code is working fine over arduino uno, but i can’t figure out how to run on this device.

The developer of the code, claim some issues into interrupt managing , even i had tried interrupt code

work properly , probable there is some timing issue that can’t figure out !!

Any hints ??

Still spending one more weekend to getting out from this bottleneck !

Thanks in advance



SInce the arduino Uno and Seeed XIAO is having very different architecture, and since the code handle the interrupt operations that wrote only for the arduino uno which is based on Atmel328p (8 Bit AVR),inOrder to run the code we need to tweak or port whole code into XIAO whic is based on SAMD21 Controller