XIAO LED opposite Arduino

The LED on the Seeeduino XIAO board is wired differently from the Arduino.

The Arduino is wired to turn the LED on when the output pin 13 is HIGH. The pin is operating in Sourcing mode; providing a source of current.

The XIAO is wired to turn the LED on when the output pin 13 is LOW. The pin is operating in Sinking mode; providing a sink for the current provided by the board.

You won’t notice this with the Blink sketch because the output sequence is symmetrical. I use a modified Blink sketch in which the LED blinks once, then a delay, blinks twice, delay, and then blinks 3 times. This did not perform as expected because of the difference in the boards.

That’s the same situation with the NodeMCU/ESP8266 SoC too I think?

Any feedback from Seeed? Having the same issue …

Nope. Apparently too minor a problem to deserve their attention. I just noted the discrepancy, modified my sketch(es) and moved on.
Changing it now would leave too many XIAOs with opposite behavior, which would be a worse case.