MPU6050 and Seeeduino Lite

Hi all,

I’m hoping for some guidance here. I found out about Seeeduino after having problems with an ordinary Arduino and TF mini lidar. I now have b-e-a-utiful readings from TF on my Seeeduino Lite. Much appreciated!

Here is the problem. I also have to read values from an MPU6050(GY 521). It communicates via I2C. I used the Wire.h library on Arduino and everything was well and good. I can’t get it to work on Seeeduino Lite. Furthermore, Seeeduino has an I2C grove port which I would like to use for this.

Can anyone help me? Where can I look for an example? What library should I use?

Anything would help. I’m at a loss.

Thank you in advance :slight_smile:

Hi there~,

Seeeduino Lite is a microcontroller based on ATmega32U4. Just like Arduino Leonardo, it saves a secondary processor needed for USB to serial communication.

What’s kinds of issue do you face with MPU6050(GY 521) reading? Please share more detail about the issue. thanks.