XIAO store data in QSPI flash memory

Yes, technically it works I suppose ? Does it break anything else? I have found changes to the variants’ and other files may fix symptoms but breaks certain Interrupt functionality for IMU and other GPIOE’s I find it Odd the SEEED doesn’t provide anything remotely close to a demo or example of the Xiao’s QSPI flash capabilities. Could they have implemented it incorrectly? Sound allot like the “SLEEP” modes it will do but is not supported WTH? SMH?
Xiao software is like an Onion.
GL :-p

With FreeRTOS its just a matter of providing the correct description of the Flash device. Though, I didn’t tried to use a file system on it… but I’m confident that it works.
With Mbed, yes, it’s more complicated, but it works.

Regarding whether or not something is broken with the corrected libmbed.a, basically, you have to try it. Since I don’t like black boxes, I tried to compile libmbed.a myself but I failed miserably and gave up.

LOL, I hear you… I’ll get some time and check it out. Sad it isn’t a no brainer. STD.lib.
maybe Adafruit will pick it up and clean it up.

GL :slight_smile:

Hi, I used the Seed Studio example for QSPI flash memory to store data instead of the external EEPROM I was using. The write and read to the memory is working.
My problem is that when I implement evrithing to my code the wire.h library stopped working and I can not get the sensor data.
Any help, please?

Sorry for bothering guys. the problem was the ISR time interrupt not the wire library. I will find a workaround.