Xiao Sense Accelerometer Examples and Low Power

lower serial com speed to 19200

in code… Find


Take the 15 out and replace with 9… like this


Make sure all the sketches you want to autoboot are edited like this


Hi there,
The default for Nordic NRf is 9600 baud. Arduino as well. BTW :+1:
GL :slight_smile: PJ


Hi @Afzal_Rehmani, This might be an out of date or out of sync library. I just compiled “Combination” from above with no errors. I have a clean install of the just the following:

  • Arduino IDE 2.3.2
  • Seeed NRF52 Boards 1.1.8
  • Seeed Arduino LSM6DS3 2.0.3

I remember installing “Adafruit SPIFlash” and “SdFat - Adafruit Fork” in the past, but it looks like they are not needed with the latest board package. (I haven’t played with this code for a while, so my memory is a bit out of date.) Maybe you have old versions of these libraries that need to be removed or updated. Also make sure you have selected the correct board.


Thanks daCoder. It’s now compiled i downloaded from the wrong source the SdFat causing issues.