XIAO Round Display Not Detecting SD Card

Hi there,
Did you get this working? Are you using BSP 8.4.0 ? I think that’s WAY too old…
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Is it possible that the capacity of the card is the problem? I’m suspecting this.

Hi there, And Happy New Year …LOL :smile: :wink: :v:
Yes, he said it was a 32Gig, class 10 Patriot brand ? I use the same, works in all my seeed products :+1:
no reply yet if it worked or not.?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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I’ve tried a couple different SanDisk class 10 cards, with no luck.

I’m going to buy a new card and see if that helps.

Hi everyone,

I recently discovered the XIAO RP2040 and Round Display, which seemed ideal for a project I’m working on. However, I’m facing issues with getting it to detect the SD card.

Even with the example code like the Hardware Test, the SD card isn’t being detected. I also tried the GIF player example, but it also fails to recognize the card.

The SD card I’m using is a SanDisk SDHC Class 10, formatted to FAT32, and it’s fully functional.

I followed the setup instructions provided by Seeed meticulously, but still no luck.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I might be missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Unfortunatly I had 2 of three not be able to recognize the sd card… not sure if it was a defect, but the third one would work… thats all i know

Hi there,

Try this thread, and the test files, pay attention to the LIB versions.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

in the end…Spoiler alert… It was a marginal SD card. Try at least 3 or four. and the allocation in the format FAT32 matters also. use 16K