Upload a sketch to 100 pieces of XIAO SAMD21 faster

Hi guys.

I have 100pcs of XIAO SAMD21 I need to program.
And I’ll continue with more again and again.
Is there a faster method to do it than on the Arduino IDE?
It takes so long, as each module connected to USB is first detected by windows, then I must manually select the COM port, then when I press the Arduino Upload button it compiles it again, then it uploads.
It’s a long an tedious process when one needs to program many modules.

I’m not using Arduino often, but you can get access to the .hex or .uf2 file which is finally uploaded to your device. There is a selection in the Arduino IDE. With that file you can streamline the process.
If you start with the .hex file, you can use the Microsoft uf2conv.py app to convert the .hex file to a .uf2 file and upload it. If the board shows the upload drive, uf2conv will find it.
Stays the activation of upload enable, which can be done either by double push of reset when you plug in the device, or by shortly switching the Serial link to 1200 baud and back. For that you have to know the com port. I do not know Windows well, since I’m using Linux. There there first CDC device will always register at the same device path /dev/ttyACM0. Using Powershell, you should be able to detect the SAMD port. Then, the whole upload can be simplified by plugging in the board and starting a script.

Arduino menu sketch>Export compiled Binary creates a .bin file but not a .hex file.
I have to check uf2conv now.

Alright I have created my flash.uf2 with uf2conv.py using the method explained here:

Then l’m not sure how to proceed for uploading it to the module.

Well I just moved to PlatformIO and it’s much better now.
I just plug my board on USB, then click on the upload button, and voila!

i wonder if there is a way you can plug the module into an expansion board for upload… instead of connecting and disconnecting the usb cable so much, and upload via the pins
also this may make the com port stay the same if you were to lest say have a usb cable connect to the pins and the computer would only recognize… maybe i think it is called an ftdi adapter? as com 1

in otherwords make a bridge from a stable com port to the device?

does this make any sence?

just an idea i had… obviously im not an expert

Yes I would like to proceed this way. But I lack information about how to do it in practice, and if I can use something like pogo pins, where should I connect on the seeeduino xiao module? Somebody can help about this, please?

Check this out, https://forum.seeedstudio.com/t/connecting-xiao-nrf52840-to-expansion-board/268349/3?u=pj_glasso
You could use something like the expansion board and ziff adapter download code with programmer WAY faster. and you can NIX the softdevice if you want I think to save more flash space…AFAIK