I am using my STM32 Nucleo-F446RE’s onboard stlink v2 debugger to flash LoRa hex file generated into Seeed studio’s lora-wio-e5 after building the LoRa project package for STM32WLEJ5 and I have removed CN2 jumpers and connected the the corresponding SWD pins of debugger to my wio-e5 board’s CN4 connector with VDD of debugger connected to 3.3V of wio-e5.
Connections are as provided in the picture in the below link:
The data read was successful in cubeprogrammer but when I generated the lora_end_node hex file using the STM32WLE package and tried to program it into my wio-e5 it says failed to erase memory and won’t program it.
Hi msfujino, I got it solved after buying a clone of ST-link v2 and connecting 3.3V supply from wio e5 to st-link v2. Then changed mode to connect under reset and connected accordingly and was able to flash the Lorawan end node hex file onto the board. Also got the deveui, appeui, dev addr in my arduino serial monitor at 115200 baud rate, everything’s fine now. Thanks for trying to help.