Sticker covering the antenna xiao esp32c3

Hey! maybe it is a stypid question but I bought my xiao esp32c3 and I have spend this last week trying to connect it via wifi or bluetooth to a device. I have been using internet codes that in theory have to work and so far nothing. I don’t know what else to try, the antenna comes with an sticker like a removable paper, do I have to remove it ?

thank you!

i wouldnt think so… have you tried simple demo code, like wifi scan? are you using arduino?

Hi there,
I always recommend, the easiest way to check it is via β€œWPS”
No -passwords, No SSID, it just works. :money_mouth_face:
Go load this code from Here :+1: More WPS please....Xiao ESP32C3 & ESP32S3 test your WiFi
Push the button on your Router, should connect and present its IP address on the Serial port.
GL :slight_smile: PJ