Seeking Developer for EMG detector with different board shape


I need to redesign this board in a Circular (30-40mm Diameter) Board for experimental prosthetic use. (Grove - EMG Detector | Seeed Studio Wiki). If possible i would like to have 3-5 channels in one single board.

I am looking for someone who can provide the service for me… We can negotiate hourly rate …


Hi there,
Curious to know if you have it working as-Is?
if so , it would be easy for Seeed Fusion PCB service to make a quick Round prototype, like these

GL :slight_smile: PJ


This is exactly what i need… Battery Supply Connectors and a Few Analog and Digital Out GROOVE connectors along with EMG circuitry… Do you know who can help, i need to hire someone to do this…


Hi there,
is it a battery powered device?
Can you post a schematic or is is proprietary ?
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lots of smart folks on here too! always offering a NON redit attitude free advice :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:, comments and support.
GL :slight_smile: PJ