mmWave Human Detection kit interference/detection problems

tried PTFE-sheet instead - this showed nearly no noticeable impact.

Hi, last week i also received the Human Detection Kit. I want to use it with Home Assistant. First it showed all the sensors with unknown data. After re-flashing with esphome every sensor is showing data but now i have exactly the same issues with the body movement parameter. The firmware is up to date. Is there a fix possible or do i need to send it back?

Hello, thank you very much for all your patience!
Regarding this issue, we have made adjustments to the millimeter wave layout and placed it in the center position to minimize the possibility of interference from the casing. Currently, we have open-sourced the PCB board for everyone to use.

Hi, thank you very much for the update, will there be an option to order the revised PCB from you or do we need to figure out how to manufacture it ourselves?

Hello. The currently available mmWave Kits have all been updated with the new version of the PCB board. If you have soldering skills, you can try to solder the xiao and mmWave to the new board yourself. If you don’t have soldering skills, you can choose to purchase our pre-updated new version mmWave Kit directly.

Here is my email: [email protected]. Feel free to contact me if you have any other requirements.

So if we bought a previous kit, and don’t have soldering skills, we just have a unit that doesn’t work? Can we return it?

I’m just frustrated because I have a product that was advertised to work, but doesn’t.

Hello, what specific problem have you encountered? Perhaps you can contact my email and provide a detailed description of your issue. I will assess whether I can help you resolve it.

Thanks. I’ll send you an email this afternoon when I get home from work and can give details on the issue. At its most basic, it just always reports presence, even when no one is in the room.

I found a solution working very well for me. hoping that others try it too and report success or not. Unfortunately I published to the wrong thread here so pls follow the link
summary: the front panel seems to be at the wrong distance from the antenna plane. Actually 11mm instead of 6mm. Replacing the front cover by a PVC sheet of 1mm thickness 6 mm above the antenna provided perfect results. (6mm is half wavelength at this frequency)

here the result (the garbage to the left is with the original cover in place)

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with the new pcb-design do you still have 11mm gap between microwave antenna plane and the front cover? My experiments showed that the gap has to be half wavelength at 24GHz which is abt. 6 mm. maybe there exist pin header extenders with this narrow pitch, at least this would be an easy and cheap way to raise the radar pcb 5mm up also for the older pcb design. But first lets see if my results are confirmed.

Sorry, we haven’t changed our casing. Through our testing, we found that placing the mmwave in a more central position effectively avoids interference caused by the casing.
Your method is also quite good, as it provides a second solution for more friends. Thank you very much for sharing!