Low power on seeed studio xiao nrf52840 Sense?

I have been reading through a few posts on getting lower power consumption on the nrf52840 Sense, but have been unable to get anything to work ‘out of the box’. It seems that there are errors within some of the libraries thet throw a spanner in the works.

For example, most of the examples I’ve found will involve switching off the QSPI flash, however, when I include the file “Adafruit_SPIFlash.h” I get errors like g_ADigitalPinMap’ was not declared in this scope

Are there specific versions of libraries that need to be used? I also have two different sets of the board in the boards manager (Arduino IDE), does this make a difference to what can and can’t be done?

At the moment, I can’t get my usage to lower than 3.6mA, I assume this can be made much lower?


Hello, Spinal:
The reason there are two different boards in the board Manager is that there are two versions of the XIAO-nRF52840 series: one is XIAO-nRF52840 and the other is Xiao-NrF52840-Sense (with sensors), you need to choose the appropriate version library or something may happen.

In addition to that,If you need to know about low power related issues, you can read this article on the Seeed forum, in addition, there are many similar posts on the Seeed forum for you to refer to and discuss with each other, and the people in the forum are very enthusiastic:
Xiao Sense Accelerometer Examples and Low Power - Products & Technology / XIAO - Seeed Forum (seeedstudio.com)

In my impression, Seeed does not use “Adafruit_SPIFlash.h” in the SPI-related library, but uses its own library “eTFT_SPI” similar library, you can refer to the following wiki about QSPI:
The QSPI Flash for XIAO nRF52840 Sense | Seeed Studio Wiki

I don’t mean I have two boards, I have two SETS of boards…

The ‘Seeed nRF52 Boards’ will compile the low-power functions but NOT the ble functions, yet the other ‘Seeed nRF52 mbed-enabled Boards’ will do the opposite and allow me to use ble but NOT low-power.

As my second language, English may not be able to convey my meaning to you very well, I feel very ashamed. But the meaning is similar to yours