Looking for Guidance on the Best Ways to Include Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3 in an Internet of Things Project

Hello Everyone :hugs:,

I’m now working on an Internet of Things project that uses wireless connectivity and a range of sensors. For this project, I’ve decided to utilise the Seeed Studio THE XIAO ESP32C3, because of its sturdy qualities and small size. To make sure you’re getting most out of this particular board, though, as I’m pretty new to it, I could use some advice.

I’d like your advice in the following particular areas:

Controlling Power: My device must be able to run for lengthy periods of time on battery power.

  • What are the recommended practices for maximising the XIAO ESP32C3’s power consumption? :thinking:
  • Are there any particular power-saving methods or sleep modes that are especially effective with this board? :thinking:

Integration of Sensors: I want to attach the XIAO ESP32C3 to a number of sensors, including motion, humidity, and temperature.

  • What is the optimal hardware and software configuration for these connections? :thinking:
  • Exist any tools or packages that can make this process easier? :thinking:

Wireless Communication: Since the XIAO ESP32C3 has BLE and Wi-Fi support, I’m thinking about utilising both for various project components.

  • Which has advantages and disadvantages in the context of IoT? :thinking:
  • Exist situations when one performs noticeably better than one of them? :thinking:

Enclosure and Case Suggestions: Given that the XIAO ESP32C3 will be used outdoors, what are any suitable enclosures or cases to accommodate the device and offer sufficient weather protection? :thinking:

General Hints and Tips: We would really welcome any further general guidance or pointers for using the XIAO ESP32C3, especially from individuals with prior experience working on related projects.

I also followed this :point_right: https://how2electronics.com/getting-started-with-seeed-xiao-esp32-c3-board/sap-sac

Thank you :pray: in advance.

Joy, I really enjoy using the Seeed Xiao Expansion Board for my projects.

It comes with a connection for battery, RTC, SD Card, OLED Display, Two I2C connections, one UART and one GPIO in Grove format.

I often use it with an I2C HUB and depending on the complexity of my project, I prefer sensor solutions that already have I2C onboard, or I even tend to use the PCF8575 when I need more GPIOs than are available.

Hi there,
and welcome here…
check as @djairjr states the expansion bases. like this one two.

Check the threads for the Xiao expansion board like this one :nerd_face:

Power control, look at @msfujino expertise in this area his threads on it and code examples are well documented and deliver in spades on this topic.
Sensor selection will effect greatly the first two, choose wisely, and IMO controlling the power lead of the sensor can enhance the overall power consumption.
Comms for IOT, this is the area that can make or break the power usage and performance of you project imo, I’m biased and like the Nrf52 XIAO and don’t look to use the WIFI esp chips there power for that is a big drain. The BLE is often the best choice to meet all sides of the equation. albeit a little steeper learning curve for some. (you get a two-fer) IMO with the Xiao Nrf52840 Sense with it’s on board IMU, Motion, Drop detection is built in if coded for it. See the Demo’s and examples a plenty on here.
If you don’t need wifi it’s the lowest power using MCU of all of them.

The search icon up top is your FRIEND:grin: :+1: many good examples and even some drag and drop files to test with are available.

3D printed cases are the best way to go, a few are available and pretty much wide open to your imagination.

Biggest TIP would be READ until they bleed. and ask lots of questions.
Enjoy the Journey…:v:
GL :slight_smile: PJ