J4012 beginner's guidance help


I recently bought a reComputer J4012. However, I am clueless on how to run this thing. It seems that I need to buy extra parts, such as a charging cord, wifi module, usb-c cord for connecting to host pc and was hoping that I could receive any kind of guidance on this thing.

I really appreciate the help, Thanks!

Hi there,
Wow , nice get which one do you have? :star_struck:"100 TOPS AI performance "
What you want to do with it? It’s definitely one of the best units for this edge AI.
my .02
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

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The following parts are included in official J4012 purchase:

You need to prepare your own Wifi module and typec data cable.
e.g. Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265.

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do you have any suggestion for a wifi module that I could get from amazon canada? Thanks

You can look it up based on the model name of the Wifi module I provided(Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 8265).

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Amazon.ca Hi, how does this one look? It’s not intel but waveshare

Sorry, we’ve only tested the Intel AC8265 so far.

i couldnt find any intel 8265 for a good price, ill guess ill try the waveshare one, thanks

Wishing you success!