Flashing J4012 (Orin NX 16 GB) with jetpack 6 fails

I followed the FP6 flash guide here: Flash Jetpack | Seeed Studio Wiki

I use a ubuntu 22 host as requested, but flashing fails with the message in the end of the post (sorry I can’t post the complete output here due to forum restrictions, can’t either upload a .zip file). I’d be glad if someone could guide me on how to fix the error. Thanks in advance.

Copied 16896 bytes from /mnt/internal/gpt_backup_secondary_3_0.bin to address 0x03fc0000 in flash
Writing qspi_bootblob_ver.txt (parittion: B_VER) into /dev/mtd0
Sha1 checksum matched for /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt
Writing /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt (109 bytes) into /dev/mtd0:66912256
Copied 109 bytes from /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt to address 0x03fd0000 in flash
Writing qspi_bootblob_ver.txt (parittion: A_VER) into /dev/mtd0
Sha1 checksum matched for /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt
Writing /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt (109 bytes) into /dev/mtd0:66977792
Copied 109 bytes from /mnt/internal/qspi_bootblob_ver.txt to address 0x03fe0000 in flash
Writing gpt_secondary_3_0.bin (parittion: secondary_gpt) into /dev/mtd0
Sha1 checksum matched for /mnt/internal/gpt_secondary_3_0.bin
Writing /mnt/internal/gpt_secondary_3_0.bin (16896 bytes) into /dev/mtd0:67091968
Copied 16896 bytes from /mnt/internal/gpt_secondary_3_0.bin to address 0x03ffbe00 in flash
[ 235]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Successfully flash the qspi
[ 235]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Failed to write to APP
[ 235]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: The device size indicated in the partition layout xml is smaller than the actual size. This utility will try to fix the GPT.
[ 235]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Error flashing external device
Flash failure
Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.vfbsVelX1C. You can access the target’s terminal through “sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2”
Cleaning up…

I am facing the same issue for the J4012 and Orin NX 16 GB.

Host: Ubuntu 20.04
JetPack: mfi_recomputer-orin-nx-16g-j401-6.0-36.3.0-2024-07-04.tar.gz

Installed the following packages as mentioned in the guide: sudo apt install qemu-user-static sshpass abootimg nfs-kernel-server libxml2-utils binutils -y

I have opened the NFS ports in the firewall.

Tried multiple SSDs. Ran the flashing script as a root user. But these things have not fixed the issue.

Please take a look at this flash log pasted at: Ubuntu Pastebin

There isn’t much help available on this issue. People with the reServer have tried Method 2 with older JetPack. But I need to install the JetPack 6.

Hope someone can provide help.


I have now managed to install jetpack 6.1 via the nvidia sdk manager (GUI).

@cwiede – I just installed JetPack 6.1 using the nvidia sdk manager gui too!

The only hiccup was that wifi still didn’t work on my J4012 carrier board, so I plugged in ethernet in order to finish the SDK manager installation (had to figure out the right ip address and how to bridge through my laptop), and I also ran sudo apt install -y iwlwifi-modules (I may have had to run sudo modprobe iwlwifi to avoid rebooting, can’t remember).

@cwiede @than Please install listed JetPack versions on the wiki page by the instructions strictly. Install other versions with NVIDIA SDK Manager directly might cause some compatibility issues.

@Seeed_Harrison – could you be a little more clear? Everything seems to be working fine (modulo the wifi issues). What are the compatibility issues?

Well, I have tried that, but it failed with the error messages given in the OP. Since there was no help available, I have helped myself.

Can anybody help me with this? Jetson Orin NX J4012 JP6.0 to JP6.1 via APT fails

Unfortunatley there is no response. Also SeedStudio seems not to provide support nor prepearing new updated images on time.

how is it going with 6.1? Any issues?

I don’t have another ubuntu device to use as host, so i cant really follow the seeed instructions. Thinking ill have to try from nvidia sdk.