Error uploading with MACOS

I am unable to upload programs to the Xiao using my Mac Mini (MacOS Mojave / OSX v10.14.6), Arduino IDE v1.8.13, Seeed SAMD Boards v1.8.1, using the tutorial ‘Blink’ program. The uploading tool (bossac?) is from August 10, 2020.

> Arduino: 1.8.13 (Mac OS X), Board: "Seeeduino XIAO, Arduino, Off"
> Sketch uses 34100 bytes (13%) of program storage space. Maximum is 262144 bytes.
> An error occurred while uploading the sketch
> Atmel SMART device 0x10010005 found
> SAM-BA operation failed
> Device       : ATSAMD21G18A
> Chip ID      : 10010005
> Version      : v1.1 [Arduino:XYZ] Nov 27 2019 16:35:59
> Address      : 8192
> Pages        : 3968
> Page Size    : 64 bytes
> Total Size   : 248KB
> Planes       : 1
> Lock Regions : 16
> Locked       : none
> Security     : false
> Boot Flash   : true
> BOD          : true
> BOR          : true
> Arduino      : FAST_CHIP_ERASE
> Arduino      : FAST_MULTI_PAGE_WRITE
> Erase flash
> done in 0.865 seconds
> Write 34716 bytes to flash (543 pages)

I thought I had bricked two of them. The first had pins soldered and was in a breadboard with minimum ‘demo’ circuitry (pot, led, tact sw). Thinking it may have been wired wrong, I tried a second fresh out of the box. Both of them ended up stuck in the ‘pulsing’ yellow led state, and are mounted on the desktop (Bootloader mode?). Tapping the reset pads causes it to do some different blinking and is removed from the Mac desktop, but it eventually ends up back in the pulsing mode and on the desktop.

I temporarily borrowed a Win10 laptop and was able to ‘recover’ both of them, and install the tutorial ‘Blink’ program using the same cable.

Any ideas on what I can do to be able to program these from my Mac?

I have lots of experience with other Arduinos (Uno, Mega2560, Nano and Pro Mini) on this Mac. This is my first non-ATMega chip, and I was looking forward to playing with this powerful little guy.