DSO203 GCC APP - Community Edition (2.51+SmTech1.8+Fixes)

Update …

I isolated the brick problem to using Windows 10 in DFU mode with DFU 3.45c.

Using a WinXP PC, I was able to restore everything (HW2.81, DFU 3.45c, FPGA_281, SYS 1.64) and install WC_281_FPGA, and WC5.0.

Sorry for the disruption. Win10 reports successfully loading everything, but apparently leads to corruption of the upload to DSO device.

Thanks for the help.

My update to V5.0 was OK using Win8.1, cannot use Win10 as PC will not recognize Quad in DFU mode. Works OK in normal mode.

Great work as usual Wildcat, just wish I had your talent…Beers are on me


DFU drive seems to be very fussy:

For me Win10 did not work as well (tried desktop PC and laptop); another Win7 laptop did not work as well, DSO does not come up any more :shock: :cry:

Fortunately I had the Win7 HD form the first laptop before migrating to Win10, that worked at least … puh …V5.0 is up. :smiley:

(HW: 2.6, SYS 1.52)


I’m confused the WC5.0 will work on HW2.6 or not?

Yes, this is explained in the user guide under “HARDWARE AND COMPATIBILITY ISSUES”


This version should be compatible with:

Hardware V2.6 and later (including the later 8Mb devices)

Sys V 1.51 and later

FPGA V2.61 and later

ALTERBIOS V 0.4 Should be installed on 2Mb devices to fix file corruption issues.

Note however that the revised FPGA is only for hardware V 2.81. Any functions that the new FPGA

provides will just not be available with earlier hardware, but the program will work properly otherwise.

Hello everyone,

I’ve just bought the DSO203 and i’ve a noob question.

I need the X/Y mode for tests on my Chua’s circuit and if i read right, the WC5 could be fine for this purpose.

I’ve HW 2.81 SYS 1.64 and DFU3.45C

Have i to copy only the app1.hex file to the DSO?

UPDATE: found it --> <LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewto … =26&t=6359”>http://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=26&t=6359</LINK_TEXT>

Have i to calibrate the DSO after the WC5 installation?

UPDATE: Seems no, someone have suggestions?

Thanks in advance


You do not need to calibrate the device for it to function properly in X-Y mode. There may be some DC offsets though when using it in normal scan mode which will shift the baseline off from the channel indicator. At the least, the auto calibrate part can be done for each channel, this will remove excessive DC offsets. For the voltage calibration part that comes after the auto calibrate the entry fields can just be left blank. Just shift through them with the right toggle to get to the end and save the results. Voltage calibration is provided to improve waveform amplitude and voltage meter accuracy.

To properly use the X-Y mode, keep in mind that the timebase and number of samples used will affect the quality of the display, and will need to be adjusted to the frequency of the signal to get the best results (see the user guide for more info). A bit of experimentation will be helpful to get familiar with this mode.

Ok so for now i can work with the current DSO status

Yes i saw that i have to “play” with CH A and CH B voltage measure and timebase on X/Y mode to fine tune the circuit on a perfect chaos state. For the rest i can obtain a really good “double scroll” image. I’ll post some images if someone is interested.

For firmware work: really good job mate, thank you Wildcat and your predecessors, you really saved the day.


Hello everyone,

recently i found out, that DSO FW still developing by Wildcat.

For that - thank You very much! I was trying to install one old app from PetteriAimonen’s QuadPawn

and found out that on the new HW (2.81) it won’t work - that’s i’ll try to fix. To test my toolchain i built Wildcat’s app - got it 100% working, 100% speed preserved, but the size of it concerns me - 344kb instead of original 434kb. Wildcat, is it wrong or?.. Used GCC 4.8.3 (linaro) + newest binutils (2.25.1).

The size of the executables can vary wildly depending on what compiler optimizations you use. With a different compiler version, I’m not surprised you are getting a different size. As long as everything works properly I would say it’s OK…

I know that - but i use the same optimisations as you are: -O2. Already tried out GCC 5.3 (it generated even more compact code - 323 kb), this time after successful build app not starting. My point was to free some space for Quad Pawn - but it seems it’s not enough (device refuses existing pawn 101k image - it won’t work, that’s only to check if it will be loaded).

And one more detail - i loaded all from Windows10 without any issues (except DSO should be connected to the PC after entering DFU mode - otherwise Windows recognises unknown device).

I suspect you are getting different sizes because of the different compiler versions. I’m using a much earlier version.

As far as Pawn is concerned, all my recent versions leave enough room for it as it installs in slot 4. I noticed that Pawn did not work with HW 2.81, this might have something to do with file access issues as it was originally written for 2MB devices. Also Pawn instals code in the second half of the ROM, this was for the updated file access for early devices and is loaded in the 0x40000 to 0x48000 section. The second part of my app versions load after this so as to not overwrite it.

from us9igy

Interesting find!!! I tried the same with my Win 10 and everything worked OK. Wonder what causes this Win 10 problem?

I was hesitant in updating my Win 8.1 to 10 because I wanted to insure I had access to my Quad. It seems there is now a “work-around”.

Thanks us9igy!!

Good job for Wildcat 5.0!

I’ve just tried it, very nice!

I like especially shortcuts


how many slots need Wildcat 5.0?

can I install Wildcat 5 and Gabonator ? because I try Wildcat5 in slot1 and Gabonator in slot3 but seen corrupted


…on other hand need master code for HW2.72 and licence 9420c38f, by unknown reason I can’t post and ask in <LINK_TEXT text=“http://www.minidso.com/forum.php?mod=fo … lay&fid=54”>http://www.minidso.com/forum.php?mod=forumdisplay&fid=54</LINK_TEXT>

if anybody can give me the code I will be grateful

not sure if corrupted is because lack this code. each time power on ds0203 ask me the code. and power on oscilloscope after press some buttons

Version 5.0 needs the first 3 slots, so any additional programs will need to be loaded in slot 4, but

it also uses memory in the second half of the ROM area, which Gabonator’s program also uses, so

they are not compatible.

Wildcat 4.4, downloadable from page 41 has a special “3 slot” version that is compatible with Gabonator’s program

that uses only the first 3 slots and nothing in the second half. Gabonator will have to be loaded in

slot 4.

Not sure why you need to input your license code, loading both programs on a version 2.72 HW device

should not have affected the DFU.

Note that Gabonator’s program has not as far as I know been updated to work on the later hardware versions.

Not sure where compatibility ends, but it will overwrite the FPGA on HW 2.81.

Thanks for your response. I need Gabonator because have some extra interesting programs as spectrum analyser, logic analyser and response frecuency . Have wildcat similar ?

Would be grateful if you explain better the use of ROM in dso203 ?

Yes, of course. License code don’t have any effect on wildcat or garbonator but my dso203 bricked time ago. I repair it and now ask me the code each time I power on ( real HW2.72 and licence 9420c38f)

Hi Wildcat,

on this place, I want say to you: Thanks a lot for your work over all the time and different HW Versions :smiley:

I don’t tell you unknown thinks, if I say, that other FW Versions are not so good supported as your once.

I’m owner of a DS203 HW2.81 for a very small time. After some experince how to walk through the menu’s (and I have not reached 100% of them till now ) I can say :

Good and nice work! Thank you!

There was no problem to change the SW to your Version and I’m happy to use the small nice tool, because it’s very fast beside me and in the most of the cases the measurement from the DS is enough. The Fluke need more time to get it out from the Store-Place, prepare all things, need more place on the table …

Just to let everyone know, even with DFU 3.45C some programs like Wildcat 4.1-4.4 (i haven't tested any newer yet) will FAIL to install on certain machines, even if you use windows xp. I had problems for many months, and the solution was to use a different PC. My laptop uses HM55 chipset don't know why there is incompatibility. Many thanks again to Wildcat for developing awesome software :)

Edit: Just tried WC5, i installed the FPGA under windows 10 and the problematic machine without any issues, again the hex had to be done from the other much older machine running winxp (although it is not an OS problem)

I am new to this device. Need a little assistance in installing Wildcat V5.0 on new DSO Quad. HV2.81 DSO SYS Ver 1.64

ReadMe in Wildcat V5.0 download /FPGA said:

Install by first copying the FPGA_281.ADR file to DFU virtual disk.

When volume reappears, copy 281_FPGA.BIN to DFU virtual disk. -------- Install these first?

What other files to copy to DFU virtual disk for firmware? With 2 files for FPGA?

Thank You in advance for the help. :slight_smile: